What’s the story…?

As a child and growing up as a teenager, my nose was never far away from a book. This continued into adulthood but came to an abrupt halt when I had my two children – it was my only real hobby and so when all the love that engulfs you with the arrival of babies cascaded into our lives it felt like a part of me went into a kind of hibernation.

Fast-forward four years and my reading mojo is well and truly back – I can tear through books in days and am forever quizzing people to see if they’ve come across any of my latest reads and asking for their opinions.  I’m constantly searching out new novels and am always keen to try different genres.

Oh no not another crazy introvert who likes to hide from the world on her sofa surrounded by books! I bet she has cats too! I hear you say.  Well, with two children under four, I can hardly shy away from life (even if I wanted to) and yes, I do think that a trip to the bookshop is HEAVEN but, we all have to have our quirks, right? Also – I enjoy running too, but that’s another rather terrifying story.

Writing seems to come fairly naturally to me and has certainly helped me with my job in the legal sector, but with my career temporarily on hold I’ve decided to start a blog as a creative outlet to keep my brain ticking over, if you like.  It means I get to read to my hearts content, share my thoughts with fellow readers and, what brings me most joy, discuss my favourite subject (books if you hadn’t realised) with other people.cropped-4ae2075b-33b7-4eb1-ba10-9760eb5b9c08.jpeg

So grab a cup of tea/glass of wine/gin and tonic and join me on the sofa to find out what’s turning my pages in the literary world at the moment.

If you’d like me to review any books for you, please get in touch through my contact page on this site or via Twitter @mrscookesbooks or Instagram http://www.instagram.com/mrscookesbooks

P.S. I do have cats actually; two of them. #sorrynotsorry


Published by Mrs Cooke

👩🏽‍💻📚I read and shout 📣 about books 👯‍♀️owner of 2 book-loving Littles 🌳village dweller ✍️stationery fiend 🍸gin enthusiast 📩DM for reviews etc 💌

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